Day #2 - The Pivotal Choice!
There is no way to overstate how much I'm proud of you for being here, nor is there a way to overstate the importance of Day #2 -- it's HUGE.
You're lookin' great by the way!
Everything we talk about from here forward is based on the foundation of what we're going to learn today. This is really macro-view of everything I teach and believe.
Today, we're going to discuss the absolute Pivotal Choice we must make between two types of living -- either...
- A Depository Life, or
- An Expository Life
As you watch today's video, it's important to remember that the important thing to do is decide what to do from today forward.
Yes, we need to be completely honest about which type of living we've normally experienced. Then, decide what we're going to 100% commit to starting now.
Put it in the forefront of your mind. Play with the reality that things ARE going to happen, but we can decide ahead of time how we're going to respond.
If you haven't already, please share this experience with someone. Giving a life-changing gift is a pretty cool thing. Enjoy Day #2!